Behavior Services of the Rockies (BSOTR) is a group of dedicated behavior analytic practitioners located in the Mountain West region of the United States. We strive to deliver the best quality behavior supports to improve the independence, inclusion, and overall quality of life for our clients by providing evidence-based, pragmatic treatment, consultation and teaching based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Our goal is to transfer and teach skills to clients and caregivers, and to develop top-quality practitioners to expand the availability of high quality services throughout the region.
We endeavor to use the science of human behavior to address and help the individuals with whom we serve. We rely on observable and measurable events to inform our treatment and interventions.
Pragmatic treatment
We focus on easily implemented procedures (whenever possible) and reasonable interventions that families, staff,and other individuals can implement on a daily basis to improve the lives of those we serve.
We use a decision making process that integrates (a) the best available evidence with (b) clinical expertise (c) client values and context, and (d) ethical decision making.
Our Behavior Analysts receive ongoing Continuing Education and workshops from top professionals in our field. We pride ourselves in our rigorous competency-based training we provide our extremely skilled staff.
"Caring is first of all a matter of action" - BF Skinner
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Our ethical and best practice standard apply also in terms of service, clinical expertise and training. Our dedicated employees are happy to help to understand why behavior is occurring and what might help support longterm meaningful change.
Adult Services
We provide services for adult individuals (18+) helping to support independence and addressing difficult behavior.
Children Services
We serve children from the ages of 18 months to 18 years old, including Early Intervention and help at school.
We offer caregiver support with a wide range of extremely helpful strategies and procedures.
We provide training on crisis support, prevention, and several other useful topics and interventions.
We consult with various organizations to help them provide the best supports possible to those in need.
We supervise other practitioners seeking their board certification.
Our Team
We rely on a diverse group of caring personnel to bring our clients successful outcomes.
Travis Blevins
founder &Executive Dir
Amy Crye
Dir of Services
P.J Self
Reg Coordinator
Richard Anderson
Reg Coordinator
Tracy Barkman
Behavior Analyst
Wendy Soto
Behavior Analyst
Joe Zelasko
Behavior Analyst
Natalie Mosier
Behavior Analyst
Chance Olson
behavior analyst
Hera Hansen
behavior therapist
Registered Behv Tech
Jacob Cox
Behavior Therapist
Ben Yazzie
Behavior Therapist
Amanda Blair
registered Behv tech
Jessica Ponce
registered Behv tech
Cathrin Rose
behavior therapist
Alys Maize
behavior therapist
Darrin Howells
behavior therapist
Gabrielle (Brielle) Gavito
office administrator
Lynda Bradt
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